NEWSIPR Osaka University
In commemoration of PDB’s 50 year anniversary, “PDB Asia 50 Anniversary Symposium – At the Cutting Edge of Structural Biology in Asia and Protein Data Bank’s 50 Years of History -” will be held with the following contents.
Background and Abstract
In 1971, the structural biology community established the single global archive for 3D macromolecular structure data: the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Approximately one fourth of the entire PDB data originated from Asia. In 2000, Protein Data Bank Japan (PDBj) started on-site data processing as a newly founded Asian hub for PDB data resource. Since 2001, PDBj has provided our newly developed online Data-out services available freely and publicly through our own web site (, which we have enhanced through the years. With the establishment of the worldwide PDB in 2003, we have served as one of its regional data centers, collaborating on Data-in and Data-out activities on a global scale.
In 2021, we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of our single global archive, especially this time in Asia, and want to discuss the frontier of the Structural Biology in Asia.
The one-day online symposium consists 2 sessions: e-poster presentations and a series of lectures. Students and postdoctoral fellows are especially encouraged to join and will be eligible for poster prizes. Early and late stage career scientists are encouraged to submit an abstract for poster presentation during the symposium.
The event will be recorded and made available to registered participants after the meeting.
Language : English
Participation Presentation Fee : Free