NEWSIPR Osaka University
(An IPR seminar series supported by WPI PRIMe and ASPiRE)
Date & Time: February 26th, 2025 (Wednesday) 16:30-18:00
Venue: 2F Large Conference Room, Institute for Protein Research,
Osaka U. (Suita Campus), +Zoom
[Meeting ID: 858 8282 3946 / Passcode: 1ipmwQ]
Speaker: Marco Ruscone, PhD.
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Life Science Department
Hands-on tutorial
Computational Biology Across Scales: From Pathway Modelling Tools to Cell-Level Simulations
* Dr. Ruscone will be staying in Shinobu lab from February 25 to March 7.
If you would like to meet with him for a discussion, please contact Shinobu.
Ai Shinobu
Email:[at] (Please replace [at] with @.)
Sandhya P. Tiwari
Email: sandhyatiwari[at] (Please replace [at] with @.)