




【8/1(木)】蛋白研セミナー:BioSim Talk #3 開催のご案内 

BioSim Talk #3 開催のご案内

(An IPR seminar series supported by WPI PRIMe and ASPiRE)

日時:2024年8月1日(木)16:30 – 18:00
場所:大阪大学(吹田キャンパス)蛋白質研究所 2階中会議室 + Zoom
[Meeting ID: 883 7289 5325  /  Passcode: 747062]

Sandhya P. Tiwari
Email: sandhyatiwari[at][at]は@に置き換えてください。)


Title: How to use elastic network models to study protein flexibility

Speaker: Sandhya Tiwari, PhD.
Institute for Protein Research (IPR), Osaka University

Understanding protein flexibility is crucial for comprehending biological functions. Elastic network models (ENMs) have emerged as powerful tools for studying the dynamic aspects of protein structures with computational efficiency and minimalistic assumptions. This talk will delve into the foundational principles of ENMs, highlighting their reliance on simplified physical models to predict the motions of proteins around their equilibrium positions. Moreover, the focus will shift to the application of ENMs in normal mode analysis and coarse-grained simulations. The results from ENM-based analyses have been used to interpret the intrinsic flexibility of protein structures, assess the impact of mutations on stability, understand allosteric signaling pathways, and characterize the conservation of dynamics across protein homologues and proteins with similar topologies.
